From Ailing Kong
David and I published this article in Research in the Teaching of English in 2003. It was about how Ellen, a classroom teacher, engaged her students from diverse backgrounds in learning to read, to think, to write about and discuss about what they read.… Read the rest
The assessment of reading comprehension: A review of practices: past, present, and future. Pearson & Hamm, 2005.
During the work of the Rand Commission that redefined reading comprehension at the last run of the century, they commissioned some papers on aspects of reading comprehension, assessment among them. They asked me to do the review of the history of reading comprehension assessment. … Read the rest
Trip to Napa and Sonoma

David, Mary Alyce, Susan, and Shawn in 2004 having a great time tasting and describing wines! Hilarious!
From Susan Seilback
Life in the Radical Middle
I first met David in the late 90’s at a national meeting where—on the side—I had a chance to show him a couple videos of interviews with 9th grade students that my colleague Cyndy Greenleaf had conducted as part of a 2-year teacher research project we were doing in SFUSD schools.… Read the rest
Skills management systems: A critique. Johnson, D. D., & Pearson, P. D. (1975)
Dale Johnson and I wrote this 1975 piece in the heyday of Skills Management Systems like Wisconsin Design and Fountain Valley, all of which managed kids’ journey through a labyrinth of sub-skill tests and practice dittoes (before photo duplication), one skill after another after another. … Read the rest
When portfolios become part of the grading process: A case study in a junior high setting. Sarroub, L. K., Pearson, P. D., Dykema, C., & Lloyd, R. (1997)
This book chapter published in the National Reading Conference Yearbook, 46th Edition, stands out to me as one of the more wonderful researcher/public school teacher collaborations of my career. Wow — the amount of work and thinking we did as we facilitated 8th graders’ understandings of the Michigan English Language Arts Framework standards at the time!… Read the rest
How I became a teacher
In 1963, Mary Alyce and I did the same 3 things as all our close friends. We graduated from UC Berkeley (Cal in those days), got married, and moved on to a new life—Mary Alyce as a grad student in a post-baccalaureate MA credential program at Stanford and I as a newly minted member of the management training cadre within Macy’s San Francisco.… Read the rest
Recent Developments the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): An Analysis of Conceptual, Digital, Psychometric, and Policy Trends. Pearson,P. D. (2017)
In 2017 Prof P David Pearson delivered the OUCEA Annual Lecture at the Ashmolean Museum on 25th May.
‘Recent Developments in Reading Assessment in the USA National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP): An Analysis of Conceptual, Digital, Psychometric, and Policy Trends’… Read the rest
Science? Literacy? Synergy! Cervetti, G. N., Pearson, P. D., Greenleaf, C., & Moje, E. B. (2013)
We were invited to contribute to this volume on science and literacy instruction in light of the NGSS based on an earlier Science (2010) article by Pearson, Moje, and Greenleaf. This piece was an opportunity to find connections among our various projects on literacy in science, which had been developed for students at different grade levels and guided by different principles and goals.… Read the rest
The impact of an integrated approach to science and literacy in elementary school classrooms. Cervetti, G. N., Barber, J., Dorph, R., Pearson, P. D., & Goldschmidt, P. G. (2012)
This report of a randomized field trial also describes the conceptual bases of what we came to call, Seeds of Science–Roots of Reading, a long term project of a collaboration between the Lawrence Hall of Science and the Graduate School of Education at UC Berkeley.… Read the rest